Ernest F. Hock, MD was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 9, 1906. He received his medical degree from the Deutsche Universitäet in Prague in 1930. Dr. Hock practiced medicine, mostly urology, in Prague from 1930 to 1939, but spent 1933-1934 in the Czechoslovakian Army.
In 1942 Dr. Hock received his license to practice medicine in New York and did a two-year residency in Lafayette, IN. He began practicing medicine in the United States in 1944 in Binghampton, New York, becoming Chief of Urology at Wilson Memorial Hospital in 1947, and an active member of the Northeastern Section of the American Urological Association in 1948.
In July 1972, Dr. Hock donated a large collection of numerous instruments—including cystoscopes, lithotritors, catheters and resectoscopes—to the newly created William P. Didusch Museum. The AUA recognized his contributions toward preservation of urologic history with an award presented at the History Forum in 1978. Dr. Hock passed away in Walnut Creek, CA September 11, 1996.